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ICF Awards UK’s Emerging Forestry and Arboricultural Talent

Foresters and Arboriculturists of the future have been recognised in the annual Student Awards from the Institute of Chartered Foresters, the only professional body in the UK to award chartered status. Each year the Institute presents the awards to top students who have studied at universities and colleges in the UK which run ICF-accredited forestry […]

Is CPD Enough?


 Josh Roberts MICFor, Policy Advisor at Scottish Forestry, reports on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for the Institute of Chartered Foresters.  I don’t think of the annual CPD obligation as a target to reach to stay in the Institute’s good books. And I reckon, deep down, that’s not how the Institute sees it either. My Continuing […]

Arboriculture Has Vital Role in Housing Development and Highways Maintenance

Arboriculturists have a vital role in helping developers make sure they take on board new Government advice to plant more trees, and in maintaining trees along the nation’s highways, according to the UK’s professional body which awards Chartered Arboriculturist status. Responding to Communities Secretary James Brokenshire’s call for developers to plant more trees and green […]

Tremendous programme announced for Tree Officers Conference

The programme for the National Tree Officers Conference 2019, the only major event in the UK dedicated to tree officers, has been unveiled. It will take place at Reading Town Hall on Wednesday 6 November. The conference, organised by the London Tree Officers Association (LTOA), the Municipal Tree Officers Association (MTOA) and facilitated by the […]

Institute of Chartered Foresters Welcomes Climate Change Legislation Amendment

The Institute of Chartered Foresters has today (Wednesday 12 June) welcomed the amendment to the Climate Change Act 2008 which puts the UK on a path to become the first major nation to eradicate its net contribution to climate change by 2050. “Planting trees and managing our existing forests are universally regarded as significant in […]

Professional Foresters Welcome Gove’s Urban Tree Planting Plan

The Institute of Chartered Foresters has welcomed the announcement from Environment Secretary Michael Gove that £10 million funding is being made available to plant more than 130,000 trees in England’s towns and cities. It is also urging professional foresters to make sure their views are known as the Government prepares to consult on a new […]

New President and Vice President elected at ICF Annual General Meeting

Alastair Sandels FICFor is the new ICF President and Sharon Hosegood FICFor the new Vice President, both elected at the Institute’s Annual General Meeting in Oxford on 10th April 2019. They will hold their positions for two years. Alastair Sandels FICFor is currently Managing Director of Trioss, a business providing consultancy to people, organisations and […]

International Urban Tree Expert to Chair Global Conference in Birmingham

Professor Cecil Konijnendijk

Renowned expert on trees, green spaces and public health in urban environments, Professor Cecil Konijnendijk, is to chair one of the foremost international conferences on tree research and urban greenspace which comes to Birmingham in 2020. Trees, People and the Built Environment 4 (TPBE4), an international event which is held every three years, encompasses the […]

Arboriculturists Biking for Biosecurity

Starting from Stonehouse, on the edge of the Severn Estuary in Gloucestershire, at around 2.30am on a cold, and likely wet and windy morning on Thursday 6 December, four members will be riding to the Houses of Parliament to deliver the biosecurity message in person at the official release of the Arboricultural Association (AA) Guidance Note: Application […]

World Experts drawn to Oxford for Global Forestry Conference

ICF, Institute of Chartered Foresters

Duncan Pollard MICFor from Nestlé, sustainability expert, will address the Institute of Chartered Foresters’ (ICF) annual flagship two-day conference. The UK’s Role in Global Forestry – Past, present and future will be held on 10-11 April at the Examination Schools in Oxford. Forests are increasingly being relied upon to provide a sustainable future for the […]