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Katherine Evans-Smith MICFor

Katherine Evans-Smith MICFor

How does being a member of the institution help you do your job better?

The Institute is a large and well-connected group who have come together from a wide range of backgrounds. With a good knowledge-sharing arena and ample opportunities for members to come together, the Institute is available to provide a trustworthy platform of professional knowledge and advice, gained from invaluable experiences.

By being a member of the Institute and attending regular meetings I am able to draw upon this knowledge and I am kept up to date with the new and on-going issues in forestry. It helps me to make well-informed choices and gain a deeper understanding of the whys, hows and whats of forestry and the related issues. Attending regular meetings with other forestry, arboriculture and agriculture professionals often challenges my views and opinions of a range of topics and occasionally gives me the opportunity to challenge others views; invariably, this can all be applied to my daily activities and aid my decision-making.

Why is the Institute of Chartered Foresters membership important to you?

Being a member of the Institute shows to my employer that I am keen to develop my career in forestry. Membership and working within the Institute’s Code of Conduct demonstrates that I am providing trustworthy and supported professional advice, which is particularly important for me in the early stages of my career.

What motivated you to become chartered?

Working on a daily basis with other people who have achieved chartered status encouraged me to work towards the same level; chartered status is becoming more and more common within the industry and I didn’t want to be left behind. Chartered status demonstrates an industry-backed level of professionalism.

Why do you choose the Institute of Chartered Foresters?

Achieving chartered status through the Institute brought me in line with my peers and other forestry associates. The Institute is the only professional membership institute that my employers and I have recognised as being relevant to my career development, so far.

What is the best thing you’ve done through your ICF membership?

The Young Professionals Study Tour in North England has been the highlight of my time with the Institute so far. Discussing topical forestry issues with likeminded people from a range of backgrounds, and who are of a similar age to me, was a very valuable step in my career.

Read more ICF stories

Being chartered reassures my clients that they are working with someone that has achieved industry recognition.

Being a member means I have people I can talk to about issues I want to know more about. Through the commitment to continued professional development, the Institute encourages me to better myself by learning more about the industry as…

Working towards becoming a Chartered Forester has enabled me to grow my forestry skills with confidence within a nurturing and supportive environment.

Being chartered gives me professional recognition and reassurance to my clients of the quality they are seeking.

ICF Membership has provided me with the opportunity to learn from other professionals, to better understand the different pressures and opportunities within the wider industry.

Being chartered has enabled me to contribute to enhancing the overall status of the arboricultural profession, which is very important to me.

I feel that one of the most important parts of being a member is the need to undertake and record CPD.

Being chartered is a clear indication of my values.


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