


NURTURE your knowledge and expertise.
GROW your credibility and career.
THRIVE among professionals who share your passion.

Join us today and begin your journey to becoming a Chartered Forester or Chartered Arboriculturist.

Voices from a vibrant sector

Our members work in rewarding roles in an exciting, dynamic and diverse sector that’s brimming with opportunity.

Emyr Parker is a Forest Manager for Tilhill in Wales. Here he talks about his route into the sector, including a switch from Electronic Engineering to Forestry at Bangor University.

Meet Chris Hardy MICFor, Head of Plant and Seed Supply at Forestry England, as he tells us what membership of the Institute of Chartered Foresters means to him and his career.

Here, Elva Preston, Associate member and Senior Arboricultural Consultant at Wharton Natural Infrastructure Consultants, shares the benefits of being a member of the Institute.

Hear from Gordon Brown MICFor (TreeStory), Lucy Pitt MICFor (Natural Resources Wales) and Felix Gregory MICFor (Pryor & Rickett Silviculture) on the wider benefits of membership.

Meet Felix Gregory MICFor, Forest Manager at Pryor & Rickett Silviculture.

Here, Lucy Pitt MICFor, Senior Officer (Forest Operations) at Natural Resources Wales, shares the benefits of being a Professional Member.

In this video, Gordon Brown MICFor, Director of Edinburgh-based forestry consultancy TreeStory, shares his experience of being a Chartered Forester.

Hear from Jonathan Callis MICFor (Network Rail Scotland), Olivia FitzGerald (Forest Research) and Tom Coates MICFor (EGGER UK) on why membership is so important for their career progression. 

Meet Jonathan Callis MICFor, Senior Asset Engineer at Network Rail.

Here, Olivia FitzGerald, Social Scientist at Forest Research, shares the benefits of being an Associate member.

Tom Coates MICFor, Head of Wood Purchasing at EGGER (UK), shares his experience of being a Chartered Forester.

10 reasons to join us

Discover the benefits of membership


  • Practical CPD tools, guidance and support
  • Exclusive quarterly members’ magazine – TREES
  • Free access to Forestry journal – more than 100 issues available
  • Online Members’ Area
  • Members-only events and talks (#MembersHour)
  • A wealth of online resources, with 120+ hours of video content

Become a member

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Explore members-only content

Members enjoy exclusive access to informative events and a wealth of online resources, as well as our members’ magazine and Forestry journal. Here’s a flavour of what you can expect as a member.


Check out short clips from some of our exclusive #MembersHour events.

TREES magazine

Read extracts from previous issues of our members’ magazine.

Forestry journal

Members enjoy free, full access to the journal Forestry, worth £460 a year.

How to get chartered

Explore the routes to chartered status


Join us today and...

Nurture your knowledge and expertise.
Grow your credibility and career.
Thrive among professionals who share your passion.