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Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research

Forestry is the Institute’s international journal of forest research, published by Oxford University Press. First published in 1927, it has gained an international reputation as one of the most important academic forestry resources.

The journal publishes refereed papers on all aspects of research, practice and policy that promote the sustainable development of forests, woodlands and trees. Specialist editors select papers for their originality and practical application. Preference is usually given to work undertaken in the temperate or boreal zones, although papers of exceptional merit from tropical zones are also considered.

Five issues are published annually, with one edition designated as a Special Issue that focusses on a specific subject.

Forestry is an online-only publication.

Featured Articles

Is Xylella fastidiosa a serious threat to European forests? 

As the true risk posed by Xylella fastidiosa remains largely unknown, this review addresses fundamental questions on how this vector-borne bacterium may impact both North American and European forests.

Read the full article on the OUP website

Satellite-based time series land cover and change information to map forest area 

Using decades of land cover data from Landsat time series to estimate the forest area of Canada, this research shows the value of time series data and how this can inform science, management, and reporting.

Read the full article on the OUP website

A century of changing fire management alters ungulate forage in a wildfire-dominated landscape

How can forestry practices such as prescribed fire and wildfire management modify the nutritional resources of ungulates across broad landscapes?

Read the full article on the OUP website

Editor’s Choice Articles

Read articles hand-picked by Editor-in-Chief Gary Kerr FICFor.

High Impact Articles

Browse highly cited content in Forestry online now.

Silvicultural Prize 2020

Read the winning paper and browse a list of past winners.

Special Issues

Non-native tree species in Europe

Whether preferred for their ornamental value or their perceived suitability for future climatic conditions, non-native tree species are introduced to Europe for a variety of reasons. Better understand the risks, benefits, and management strategies that accompany the introduction of non-native tree species in this Special Issue.

Emerald Ash Borer

This Special Issue looks to the notorious Emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennisFairmaire), one of the most destructive and costly invasive forest insects in North America. Uncover a collection of articles discussing detection, management, and mitigation strategies aimed at slowing and reducing the impact of this phloem-boring beetle.

Wind and Trees

It is clear that in the last 25 years large advances have been made in our understanding of airflow and turbulence within and above forest canopies and the wind flow and wind loading around and on individual trees.  Read papers on the subject based on work presented at the 8th IUFRO Wind and Trees Conference.

Uneven-Aged Forestry

One of the biggest changes to forestry in recent decades is the resurgence and rapid development of uneven-aged silvicultural systems. Take a tour through this development with a collection of papers from Forestry, curated by Kevin L. O’Hara.

Subscribe to Forestry

Institute members receive a free annual subscription to Forestry as part of their membership. This provides access to all online copies of the journal. You can access the journal by visiting the Oxford University Press website and signing in via the Members’ Area.

Access to the Digital Archive

Institute members have access to the Forestry archive, which includes articles from 1927 right up to those published five years ago.

To access the Forestry archive, log into the Members’ Area of the ICF website and click on ‘Journal’ in the menu.

Further open-access content, including the Silvicultural Prize winning papers for the past ten years, can be accessed at Oxford University Press.

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